Three veteran students walk together outside the Oakland Center on O U's campus

Veterans Stories

很少有人能像他那样不屈不挠地说自己是一名美国退伍军人. But for those who can, many have found a new home right here at Oakland University. 因为如果有一件事是美国退伍军人和金灰熊队的共同点的话, 而是他们从不放弃.

我高中一毕业就参军了. 我毕业时十七岁. Went into the army in July of 2002 and it was only a few months after 9/11.

当我在伊拉克的时候,我有机会开车环游这个国家. 我看到了人们的生活方式. 无论是在城市里还是在沙漠中. 但只是睁开眼睛,看看不同的人是如何生活的,这给了我一条前进的道路. 我想找一个地方,在那里我可以了解社会,在那里我可以学会以某种方式回馈社会.

在那段时间里,我从海外生活过渡到美国,然后最终回到密歇根大学和开放大学, Mike was always there and really shedding light on the unique transition veterans face.

不再有人告诉你什么时候该醒了, what to do, how to think and then all of a sudden you’re your own person again. And then jumping into college where there’s a new set of expectations.所以我们会介入,帮助他们弥合差距,给他们指明正确的方向,但不会一直牵着他们的手.

退伍军人支持服务提供学术资源、项目和职业网络机会. Our office is completely manned by veterans who are current or former students. 我们一直站在老兵的立场上. We know what they’re going through especially through the transition. 我们在那里是为了维护他们的同志情谊, that the veteran had and the service member had while they were in the service.

I went to Oakland and when I got involved with that veterans community, 我和一群新的兄弟姐妹成为了最好的朋友. 我们建立的社区意识, it’s one of the best things that I took away from my whole experience.

So my job now, 我是一名学校顾问,我的孩子们也在摸索生活,我只是想把我获得的一些观点拿出来, 从我的军事经历和我在公开大学的经历来看,这让我想要帮助别人,学习一些不同的生活方式,我们可以把这些方式带到我们自己的社会中.



Courtney Smith

美国海军- 2016-2020

Courtney served 5 years active duty in the United States Navy as a hospital corpsman.
She was stationed in San Antonio, Texas for A school training where she learned the job
of a hospital corpsman then moved to Jacksonville, Florida where she worked in several
hospital units such as Pre-operations and Post- operations, Urology and Family medicine.
On top of being a corpsman she also was a part of the Honor Guard and rendered military
honors at sporting events and funerals for veterans and active-duty personnel. She also
provided field medical coverage for the Marines on many occasions and states “if I had to
do everything over, I would still make the same decision to join the navy and become a

Courtney separated from the United States Navy in the beginning of 2020 and moved
回到密歇根的家. 2022年冬天,她在公开大学注册入学. Courtney says
“I chose Oakland University because the school has great resources for veterans and is
in CDS Spec Pre- Clinical Professions because being a corpsman opened my eyes to patient
care beyond nursing. 当了医护兵之后,我想逼自己去
medical school to maintain the skills I had acquired while serving in the Navy.”

The Veteran Support Service’s office helped to ensure a smooth transition back into
Courtney的平民生活和学校生活. “退伍军人服务中心帮我完成了转型
再次成为一名学生的美妙. 每个人都非常愿意帮助和协助
有你需要的任何东西. 他们为我提供了很多我没有的资源

Troy Byrd

USMC Reservist

我在密歇根州的庞蒂亚克长大.  我就读于庞蒂亚克学校,并于2021年毕业.  Growing up I wanted to be a Navy Seal and became fascinated with America’s military history. I soon grew out of that and never saw myself ever joining the military. 

The summer before college I did not know what I wanted to do with my life; but I needed to find something fast and high paying, right? 经过广泛的研究,我决定成为一名飞行员. 那很酷,但是飞行学校很贵. 所以我要加入空军,学习驾驶飞机. I went to an area recruiting office and sat down with the Air Force. Everything sounded great, and I was ready to move forward with enlisting. But wait, the Marines posters kind of looked cool and inspiring, what about them? The next thing I knew I was walking into the Marine Corps office and sitting down for a chat.

那次谈话让我成为了招募站的一名Poolee成员,从而迈出了加入的第一步.   我能够在韦德H就读十大菠菜台子. 麦克雷激励奖学金计划.  After my first semester I realized college wasn’t keeping me accountable in the ways I was looking for in life; therefore, 我接受了挑战,并在大学第一学期后被派往海军陆战队基础训练(新兵训练营). I graduated a Private First Class with the job of a supply administration specialist.  训练回来后, 我继续在公开大学攻读人力资源开发学士学位,同时在后备队继续我的职业生涯.

Now I am about two and a half years in the Reserves and a Corporal of Marines.  海军陆战队提供了很多学习和成长的机会,如果我没有加入,我就不会有这样的经历.  我即将在开放大学完成大三的学业, and will be going to Officer Candidate School where I plan on commissioning after I graduate. 我很幸运认识了很多新朋友,经历了生活的许多不同方面. I have been to new states such as Indiana and Kentucky through the Reserves, 也有机会和绿色贝雷帽一起训练. 我很兴奋地看到,作为一名海军陆战队军官,我可以带来什么不同,同时也享受着我们称之为生活的旅程.

Aaron Jackson


亚伦在军队服役6年,在美国陆军担任支努干直升机机械师. 他曾驻扎在南卡罗来纳州的杰克逊堡和弗吉尼亚州的尤斯提斯堡接受训练.  When Aaron graduated from training, he received orders to Ansbach, Germany. On Aaron’s off time he would go rock climbing to explore the country. 他在那里驻扎了两年,并参加了奥运会第一个运动攀登项目的奥运会前资格赛.

After Germany, he was stationed at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia. 在那里,他将在其他飞机上接受广泛的交叉训练,与他的部队一起准备在2017年部署到阿富汗. While in a combat zone that was under constant mortar indirect fire, he attended class by walking an extra hour to access a computer at the USO. After his return, he would attend the Noncommissioned-Officer Academy and later be promoted to sergeant. Before leaving the military he trained and completed a full marathon. 

当亚伦准备离开军队的时候, 他在寻找不同的途径来追求商业生涯. He took classes at Oakland Community College while working to earn his Associate's degree.  亚伦决定在十大菠菜台子获得学士学位,因为那里有很多很棒的退伍军人. 第一学期,他花了很多时间在退伍军人支持服务办公室学习,并与其他退伍军人一起出去玩. 自从进入公开大学以来,他更多地参与了VSS社区,并在那里兼职帮助其他退伍军人学生.

Olivia Armstrong



Olivia enlisted in the Air National Guard in 2019, while she was a senior in high school. 2020年5月毕业后,她于同年8月被派往圣安东尼奥拉克兰空军基地的BMT, TX. After she completed BMT, she then went to tech school to become a 安全部队卫士. 2021年1月,她从技校毕业, she flew 回到密歇根的家 where she was stationed at Selfridge ANGB. Ever since then she has been serving the state of Michigan as a valuable member. 因为军队,她走遍了世界, 从加拿大到德国, 同时在奥克兰继续深造. 

Olivia always knew she wanted to go to college to gain more knowledge. 她选择十大菠菜台子是因为它的位置离塞尔弗里奇和她的家乡海湾城很近. Furthermore, 她知道俄勒冈州立大学有一个著名的商业项目,于是开始了她的旅程,攻读运营管理理学学士学位,主修供应链. She is still currently earning her degree and will graduate in May of 2025. 

奥利维亚很享受在空军国民警卫队的每一分钟. 这使她能够在平民身份和接受高等教育的同时过着军人生活. 她参军的首要原因是她最好的朋友刚刚参军. 奥利维亚知道她不想为自己长大后没有参军而后悔,所以她决定大胆尝试. Her aunt and uncle had both served previously in the Air National Guard, 也是安全部队的捍卫者, and she knew she would enjoy being grandfathered into the same unit. 

Currently, 奥利维亚在VSS和CLDC办公室担任联络员, helping student veterans transition from their military life to being a college student. 她帮助会员找到理想的工作,并更新他们的简历以吸引雇主的注意. 如果你需要更新你的简历或求职信, 甚至找到一份适合你的实习或工作, contact Olivia at [email protected]

Jordan Morrow

United States Army

乔丹知道他想参军,有机会周游世界,体验军队生活.   Therefore, 17岁时,他选择离开传统的高中环境,在短短8个月内完成了他的初中和高中学业.  This allowed him to enlist in February 2019, a month after his 18th birthday.

Jordan chose the Army as it afforded the best schooling and opportunities.  乔丹很高兴能在韩国驻扎15个月, as he was hoping for a country in Asia to try new food and experience the culture.  He was most impressed at how modern their technology is and how clean the country is.  乔丹还在波兰和德国轮流工作了9个月.  再一次,他对尝试新食物感到兴奋!  As a bonus, he was able to learn the history of WWII from the European perspective. 

乔丹服完兵役,于2022年6月退役,并打算获得学士学位.  他选择十大菠菜台子是因为它离家很近,并于2022年秋天开始了他的学术生涯.  乔丹主修人力资源开发(HRD),在退伍军人支持服务部工作.


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